PWNY (/ˈpōnē/)

An open source iOS application to interface with the HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP) API.

With PWNY, you can easily find out if one of your passwords or usernames has leaked in a known data breach.
Early knowledge is crucial to quickly locking your accounts back down and mitigating damage potential.

PWNY has just the right features, including:

  • Check an e-mail or username against the database of breaches
  • Check an e-mail against the database of pastes
  • Check a password against the database of leaked passwords
  • View all breaches registered in the HIBP database
  • View detailed info about a specific breach
  • Get tips about why this matters and why you should care about your password security
  • Native dark mode support
Home Screen
Account Check Flow
Password Check Flow
All Breaches View
Breach Scan Results
Paste Scan Results
Password Scan Results
Breach Detail View